"Qui passo gli anni, abbandonato, oscuro, senz'amor, senza vita; ed aspro a forza tra lo stuol de' malevoli divengo: qui di pietà mi spoglio e di virtudi, e sprezzator degli uomini divengo..." (G. Leopardi)

lunedì 18 luglio 2011

French lawyers sue Sarkozy over crimes against humanity in Libya

Finalmente qualcuno si è accorto di quali sono i veri motivi dei bombardamenti contro la Libya !

Purtroppo l'iniziativa contro i bombardamenti comandati da Sarkozy nascono da alcuni suoi stessi connazionali senza che ci sia un interesse internazionale dietro la vicenda.

Purtroppo la notizia viene passata in sordina sui maggiori media francesi e non viene proprio riportata sui media di altri paesi, Italia inclusa.

Noi che stiamo "dalla parte del torto", facciamo il nostro meglio affinché la notizia sia diffusa.

L'iniziativa, riportata sul sito "World Socialist Wes Site", parte da Jacques Vergès avvocato e da Roland Dumas ex Ministro del Partito Socialista francese.

L'intenzione dei due è quella di portare Sarkozy davanti ad un tribunale per essere giudicato per crimini contro l'umanità per aver bombardato la Libya e aver provocato la morte di molti civili che in teoria doveva proteggere.

Dumas si è anche detto pronto a difendere la posizione legale di Gheddafi se un giorno venisse condotto in giudizio davanti alla Corte Criminale Internazionale. 

L'articolo originale in lingua inglese è riportato di seguito... 

17 June 2011
By Antoine Lerougetel

Two high-profile French lawyers, Jacques Vergès and former Socialist Party minister Roland Dumas, have announced that they plan to sue French president Nicolas Sarkozy on charges of crimes against humanity committed in the on-going NATO military intervention in Libya. They are acting for some thirty Libyan families who have lost family members in the NATO bombings.

At a press conference May 29 in Libya they declared that they would initiate legal proceedings in the French courts on Monday, May 30. There has been an almost complete blackout of the announcement in the French media. Only the Socialist Party-leaning newsweekly Marianne commented, attacking Dumas and Vergès for “a grotesque accusation against the president of the Republic.”

At a press conference in Libya on Sunday Dumas said, referring to the NATO bombing, “this mission, which is supposed to protect civilians, is in the process of killing them.” He said the war in Libya was “a brutal aggression against a sovereign nation.”

Calling the NATO alliance nations “murderers”, Vergès denounced “a French state led by thugs and murderers ... We intend to break the wall of silence.” He said he had seen several civilian victims at a hospital and had been told by one of its doctors that there were as many as 20,000 victims.

Dumas said he was ready to take the defense of Gaddafi himself if he was to appear at the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague. On May 16, acting at the behest of the major Western powers, the ICC prosecutor requested an arrest warrant for crimes against humanity against Gaddafi.

Dumas questioned the authority of Sarkozy and NATO to conduct bombing based on UN Security Council Resolution 1973, calling it “the artificial—very artificial—cover of the United Nations.”

The lawsuit comes at a time when the NATO allies have stated that the war will be extended for at least 90 days, until September, and when Britain and France have announced the stepping up of the military bombardments, which have already involved several attempts at targeted political assassination through the bombing of homes of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi’s family. .......

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